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Showing posts from December, 2019

Learning Swedish

Hej! Hur är läget? I started learning Swedish by myself about two months ago. I don't have a lot of time for that, unfortunately, but I really enjoy it because jag gillar svenska mycket! I've used a mobile app on my phone called Learning Swedish and the website to learn new grammar and vocabulary and practice my pronounciation. I also tried to seize every opportunity to learn some new Swedish words. Swedish is a very easy language to learn for an English speaker, since these languages are very similar. For example, forty is fyrtio in Swedish, two is två and to say 'are' you use the word är (pronounced almost the same way). Source:

Write for Rights!

Hi! This day has come: Write for Rights finally begun yesterday! I spent two hours with my friends writing letters to governments and embassies in defence of human rights. The letter writing continued today and will continue tomorrow during the AI Club meeting. We all hope our voices will persuade the governments to stop these human rights violations. One of the people I wrote for yesterday is a South Sudanese 17-year-old who had been unjustly sentenced to death because of accidentally killing his cousin at the age of 15. Death penalty is a big problem around the world. A person who was mistakenly sentenced to life in prison can still be released, but someone who was executed cannot be brought back to life. We mustn't let governments systematically kill their countries' citizens. Write a letter!