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Showing posts from February, 2020


Today I worked with my friends on the tensegrity project, which connects mathematics and physics with engineering in a very interesting way. Tensegrity is a structure based on a harmony of tension which keeps its parts together. The most popular version looks like this: The goal of our project is to design and make a system of servos that would be able to make this structure move on a surface, turning it into a programmable and controllable robot. Our current idea is to extend some of the sticks to move the center of mass to the side on which we want the tensegrity to fall. Today we built a new tensegrity designed in such a way that its sticks can be easily adapted to an extending mechanism. In the following days we are going to start making the electronic system to perform first tests and check if our conception works

The end of the winter break

Hi, my winter break has just come to an end as today was the last day of skiing for me and my family. I think these two weeks were not only very beneficial to my physical condition and skiing skills, but also gave me an opportunity to rest from the busy school life. I've been skiing approximately 5 hours a day for 13 days, which gives me over 60 hours of enjoying this amazing sport.

The winter break begins

Hi, the 2 most active weeks of my year – the winter break - have just begun. I went with my family to Falcade in Italy to ski in the Dolomites.   I am about to spend a week here with a Polish company called Fabryka Narciarzy. On the second week, I will live and ski in Ravascletto on a skiing camp organized by another Polish company, MoreSport.