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Physics Club - getting started with DOBOT Magician


Yesterday after classes students fascinated with physics and engineering instead of going home gathered to construct and learn new things as a part of the Physics Club. I was one of those students.
I joined the Club in September and now every Wednesday I take part in the meetings. This time we worked in small groups of about 4 people each. Mine tried to get started with DOBOT Magician - a robotic arm recently bought by our school. We learned how to control it with a computer program and using controller from the kit. We also discovered how to program basic actions like moving, using a gripper and a suction cup. However, writing first sentences on paper using DOBOT was still probably the biggest success of that afternoon. I think I've learned a lot and am well prepared to discover other opportunities of using DOBOT Magician and develop my programming skills. In my opinion, robotic arms like this are the future not only of manufacturing but also many other processes around us, so experience with using them may be a very valuable one. My head is full of ideas for future projects with the DOBOT. For example, why not teach it how to cook? Or how to prepare tea? I'm really looking forward to the next Physics Club meeting…
