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Halloween drone ghost!

Hi! Yesterday was Halloween and many children and teenagers spent the evening trying to get as many candies as possible asking people the question "Trick or treat?". However, my idea for spending this time was quite different. I had built two quadcopters as a part of my scholarship project last school year, and now I decided to use one of them in an unusual way - as a ghost. I stuffed a paper pendant lamp with LEDs and a battery pack, covered it with a white cloth and hung it under my drone. I asked my neighbours to switch off their house lights and invite everyone coming for candies for 7 pm. Then, at the agreed time I prepared the drone, switched it on and took off with the 'ghost' illuminated by LEDs. People around were quite shocked when they saw it, but they had a lot of fun watching the 'ghost' fly.
I think this project was a big success. The most interesting part was when I had to design the construction of the ghost. At first, I hung it in a way that stopped it from uncontrolled turning, but this made my drone turn whenever the wind started to rise. I changed this system to a simple one based on a fishing line, but I should have paid more attention to the line I used - I accidentally broke it during the second take-off. I learned a lot and I hope that this knowledge will help me in my future projects.
