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PE Lesson - Football and Floorball

Hi! We played two sports on the PE lesson yesterday: football and floorball. I'm not a big fan of the first one, but I really enjoy playing floorball. Even though I had played it many times before, I had known it only in a different version - on rollerblades - until this lesson. It was a completely different experience to try this sport without them. I had a strange feeling of moving very slow, but on the other hand everything was happening much faster and required more precision.
I still prefer the rollerblading version, mainly because I really enjoy rollerblading. I used to train it every week in the Kobra club in my village, practicing racing and floorball, but I haven't trained since the end of this summer holidays because of changing my school. However, I'm going to continue it, starting next weekend.
There are two main reasons why I love rollerblading, the first one being that it's easy to practice. You just have to take your rollerblades, get outside your house and start training. The second one is that this activity is a very good way of preparing for alpine skiing, which remains my favourite sport. Techniques necessary to perform a good and fast turn on skis are quite similar to those used in slalom racing on rollerblades, so I can train alpine skiing even in the summer.
