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Physics Club - 3D printing with a robotic arm?

Hi! This Wednesday on the Physics Club meeting I was trying to start 3D printing using the DOBOT Magician. I burnt the 3D printing firmware and opened Repetier Host (a program allowing you to control a 3D printer). Before printing anything specific, I had to test the extruder (heat it to approximately 200ºC to melt the filament and check if everything was working properly). I started heating the extruder and the temperature displayed on the screen of my computer started to rise very slowly. After a few minutes it reached 30ºC. I increased the target temperature to 250 degrees, which is the maximum for the Repetier Host. The displayed extruder's temperature started to rise quite fast; however, after reaching 60ºC it suddenly fell to less than 35 degrees and then started to rise again. I was quite confused, but I just kept watching the chart on my computer. The temperature reached almost 85ºC, fell to 45, rose to 95 degrees, fell to 45, reached 87ºC again... This process continued despite my and my friends' desperate efforts to make the extruder heat to 200ºC. The average temperature didn't get higher than 72 degrees even for a moment.

Graph of extruder's temperature in Repetier Host:

I suspect the thermometer doesn't work properly and there is also a software obstacle we have to overcome. All the same, I don't have any ideas what to do next. This is one of these moments in engineering when something doesn't work, but you don't know why. You have to divide the problem into smaller ones and  analyse each of them independently, and so we are going to do on the next meeting. I hope it helps.
