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Graduation 2020 Task Force - the final result

Hi, this last Friday the graduation 2020 ceremony took place and it was a spectacular success! After 3 weeks of preparations, we met on Zoom and celebrated this amazing moment. As you can see in the photo below, over 150 people took part in the meeting. Most of them had their cameras on, but we used the chat for conversations instead of microphones, because it would have been extremely chaotic if we had talked. The ceremony consisted of speeches, slideshows with comparisons of photos of the students now and when they were kids, videos from teachers and students (which I had edited), 4 musical performances and messages from students with thanks.
We received lots of very positive feedback and I couldn't have imagined a better end result of our work. I feel like those 3 weeks taught me many things and allowed me to spend my time creatively doing something for others. There aren't many things that could have been done better, but among them, we discussed the idea of providing subtitles in English for our events in Polish, because in our school there are also people, both among students and parents and among teachers, who don't know Polish.

A photo of the event published on my school's Facebook
