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Graduation 2020 Task Force - the first meeting

Hi, today the first meeting (online of course) of the Graduation 2020 Task Force took place. It is a team of people from my school (students form MYP, PreIB and IB1 and one teacher) who prepare the graduation ceremony of the last year, IB2, which is going to take place about 3 weeks from now.
Most of the team are people who have important roles in our school, for example our Prime Minister or the representative of MYP. I am a part of it because I know the platform we use for online lessons, Teams, well, and I have more technical knowledge than the other members. My task for the next meeting is to check if Teams have the capability of holding such a big event.
Graduation from high school is a very important moment in students' lives, so we are very committed to making this celebration as good and memorable as it is possible online. For me, personally, this is a good way of expanding my knowledge, getting to know other people better, and, most importantly, making this pandemic less difficult for the students from the graduation year.
