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Amnesty International meeting - Nationalism, Conservatism, Discrimination and Religion in Poland

Hi, today at the 2nd Amnesty International Club meeting on Zoom we discussed an ABC News In-depth movie about nationalism, conservatism, religion, and discrimination in Poland, A New Crusade: Poland's Embrace of Catholicism and Anti-LGBT Ideology. Our homeland has in recent years changed from being simply conservative to becoming a country led by the Church, which not only ignores the common issue of discrimination in Poland because of race, nationality or sexual orientation, but also publicly encourages such practices (especially on the national TV). Both the Church and the government have often attacked the LGBT community and immigrants. Multiple times human rights of either these groups or activists who have been defending them have been violated.
I believe it is very important to oppose those tendencies and fight with the propaganda. Many young people like me (and older) say they are not interested in politics and treat it as though it was something abstract that did not influence their lives. I don't think this is the truth. In fact, I believe we should be especially concerned about what is happening in Poland, because it is the world of our future that is at stake.

The problem of nationalism and discrimination is a similar one to the issue of populism and the most important one - bad tackling of climate change. The younger generations often do not take politics seriously and do not engage in fighting such tendencies, thus allowing them to be ignored or developed.
