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Learning languages - Swedish and French

Hi, I decided to start intensively learning languages by myself again as a hobby and form of spending time creatively during quarantine. I chose two languages: French and Swedish. I have been learning Swedish since this November, but have never treated it very seriously, so I'm still a beginner. Now, I want to combine learning Swedish with learning my 5th language - French. The only problem is that I know absolutely nothing in French. Apart from being able to say "Bonjour", "Merci", "Au revoir" and a few words like "chanson" or "français", I cannot communicate in French nor can I understand this language.

Schools in France to display flags in classrooms - BBC News

So, I need to learn absolute basics in French before I combine learning those two languages (I will write about the ways in which I'm going to approach that goal in my next posts). Today, on June 2nd, I am going to start learning basic vocabulary and maybe some basic grammar (plural and singular nouns, how to use verbs). This coming week I don't have any lessons online and there are just a few assignments I have to complete, which means I am going to have 9 days for learning French at least 3 or 4 hours a day. I know it's going to be difficult, but I really enjoy learning languages, especially by myself, and I don't have many other important things to do.
In my opinion, learning languages is a very creative hobby. It involves not only developing your own ways of learning vocab, pronunciation and grammar structures (I will try to describe my progress in finding that methods on this blog), but also using this language - most importantly constructing your own sentences - and finally making the connections between it and other languages you know your advantage. For example, I speak Polish (my native tongue) and English fluently and I have some kind of a strong intermediate level of Spanish. Swedish, unfortunately, is not particularly useful in learning French, but in those 3 languages I can easily find words very similar to those in French. Both Spanish and French are Romance languages, so I can often just guess the French word.
