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Showing posts from October, 2019

Amnesty International - preparations for the 2019 Write for Rights starting

Hi! This Monday was a very important day for all of the Amnesty International Club members. On that day preparations for this year's Write for Rights officially started in our school. We talked about the campaign: how it works, what the aim is and why it is important. It was possible to sign up for doing a presentation about one of the people we fight for this time and so I did. My friend Michał and I are going to talk about Magai Matiop Ngong, a teenager from South Sudan who was unjustly sentenced to death for accidentally killing his cousin when he was only 15. I am very happy to be able to be a part of a movement like this, because I know, how much it means for people like Magai. For us, it's just letter writing. For them, this campaign can be a life-saver. One person doing something small won't change the world, but when hundreds of thousands of activists work together, they can achieve a lot and make our world a better place. Magai Matiop Ngong

PE Lesson - Football and Floorball

Hi! We played two sports on the PE lesson yesterday: football and floorball. I'm not a big fan of the first one, but I really enjoy playing floorball. Even though I had played it many times before, I had known it only in a different version - on rollerblades - until this lesson. It was a completely different experience to try this sport without them. I had a strange feeling of moving very slow, but on the other hand everything was happening much faster and required more precision. I still prefer the rollerblading version, mainly because I really enjoy rollerblading. I used to train it every week in the Kobra club in my village, practicing racing and floorball, but I haven't trained since the end of this summer holidays because of changing my school. However, I'm going to continue it, starting next weekend. There are two main reasons why I love rollerblading, the first one being that it's easy to practice. You just have to take your rollerblades, get outside your ho

Programing DOBOT in Python and the international exchange

¡Hola! I have spent this week in Spain on an international exchange with a high school in Madrid, so I didn't have much time for writing my CAS Blog. However, it was an unforgettable experience and a fantastic way to practice both my Spanish and English. I had many occasions to compare Polish and Spanish and it made me more aware of the things that make my language a very difficult one to learn and pronounce. I needed creativity to communicate, because I didn't always know the word for something I wanted to talk about, especially when speaking in Spanish, and people I talked to didn't always know English well. I met a lot of new people and had a chance to get to know and understand Spanish life better. This exchange gave me also the ability to see Madrid, Toledo and try Spanish food. I spent this week with a movie-loving family and we talked a lot about Spanish and Polish productions and directors, so it was also a good lesson of the theory of movies. T

Amnesty International and my first bake sale

Hi! A week ago, I had the first Amnesty International Club meeting. We learned what we were going to do this year and decided to organize a bake sale to raise money for the Write for Rights event. That's why today many members of the Amnesty Club, including me, brought cakes we had baked at home. I prepared apple muffins, using a recipe I had found on the Internet. That's me while cooking: And this is the final effect: The bake sale was a success, for we raised a quite big amount of money. I also practiced some new baking skills, because I'm not really good at cooking. Today another Amnesty Club Meeting took place. We discussed the current situation in Hong Kong and talked about human rights violations in this case. I'm really looking forward to our next actions and events, especially the Write for Rights. I believe that Amnesty does a great job defending human (and not only human) rights. Many people around the world owe their freedom or eve

My first PE lesson

This Wednesday I had the first PE lesson during my CAS program. We divided into those who wanted to play football and those who preferred a running practice. I'm unfortunately not a big fan of the most popular team sports, so I chose running. I love practicing sports like skiing, rock climbing, swimming or cycling, but I'm not very good at doing anything with a ball like those used in football, volleyball and basketball (tenis is OK). In my opinion times of playing only these 3 main sports are gone, and introducing more individual and less popular sports on the PE lessons might be a good idea. Our PE teacher told us that if the weather allows us, we will try some badminton, so I'm quite optimistic. I am also really looking forward to the Winter Non-Public Schools Championships. I would especially like to take part in the skiing competition and I hope my school will win.

Physics Club - getting started with DOBOT Magician

  Yesterday after classes students fascinated with physics and engineering instead of going home gathered to construct and learn new things as a part of the Physics Club. I was one of those students. I joined the Club in September and now every Wednesday I take part in the meetings. This time we worked in small groups of about 4 people each. Mine tried to get started with DOBOT Magician - a robotic arm recently bought by our school. We learned how to control it with a computer program and using controller from the kit. We also discovered how to program basic actions like moving, using a gripper and a suction cup. However, writing first sentences on paper using DOBOT was still probably the biggest success of that afternoon. I think I've learned a lot and am well prepared to discover other opportunities of using DOBOT Magician and develop my programming skills. In my opinion, robotic arms like this are the future not only of manufacturing but also many other processes around us